英语演讲(集美大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m228067

Chapter One: Public speaking:What and why? 1.4 Testing

1、 The nature of public speaking is communication. Communication can be defined as:

A:Exchange by words, letters, or messages; interchange of thoughts or opinions, by conference or other means; conference; correspondence.
B:People e-mailing each other
C:o    People screaming at each other
D:People talking on the phone
E:All the answers are correct.
答案: All the answers are correct.

2、 Overall, great public speakers are:

A:Born, not made
B:Made, not born with it
C:Born with a special “gift”
D: Make less money that those who can’t do it
E:always people with a good heart.
答案: Made, not born with it

3、 What are the three general purposes for giving speeches?

A:o    To persuade, act , & adjust your speaking style
B:To inform, make people laugh, & have fun
C:o    To inform, persuade, & entertain
D:None of the Above
答案: o    To inform, persuade, & entertain

4、 Which element of the speech communication process involves the time and place in which communication occurs?

答案: Occasion.

5、 Public speakers who seek to communicate with listeners from cultures other than their own need to take special care to avoid ____ in their speeches. 

B:Vocalized pauses.
C:Personal statements.
D:Visual aids. 
答案: Ethnocentrism.

Chapter Two: Be a confident public speaker: Confronting stage fright 2.3 Testing

1、 The speaker’s biggest enemy is:

D:Bright lights
答案: Fear

2、 Speakers must be confident. The best way to become confident is to:

A:Take a course in it
B:Study how to get it and make adequate preparation
C: Seek advice from many about it
D: If you want confidence, act confident
答案: Study how to get it and make adequate preparation

3、 Which of the following is recommended as a way to deal with nervousness in your speeches?

A:Concentrate on thinking about your stage fright.
B:Work especially hard on your conclusion.
C: Avoid making eye contact with your audience.
D:Try to generate extra adrenaline as you speak.
E:Think of your speech as an act of communication.
答案: Think of your speech as an act of communication.

4、 Stage fright is a condition you should try to totally eliminate.

答案: 错误

Chapter Three: Be an ethical public speaker 3.3 Testing

1、 What kind of topics are important for a speech?

A:Any kind of topics
B:Topics that only you find interesting
C:Topics that matter to your listeners, as well as to yourself.
D:All of the above
答案: Topics that matter to your listeners, as well as to yourself.

2、 Which of the following is NOT typically considered to be a guideline for ethical speechmaking?

A:Employ reasoning that is above all persuasive.
B:Be honest in what you say.
C:Be well-informed about your subject.
D:Use sound evidence.
答案: Employ reasoning that is above all persuasive.

3、 The most correct way to cite an Internet source is: 

A:”According to the on-line version of Time Magazine, Dr. Jones says.” 
B:”According to NBC’s website” 
C:”According to an online article by Dr. H. Nichols, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN” 
D:”According to the June 22, 1999 on-line version of the Chicago Sun Times, Dr. Herald, a doctor at ABC Hospital, says” 
E:”Dr. Jones, a prestigious microbiologist, was quoted online as saying
答案: “According to the June 22, 1999 on-line version of the Chicago Sun Times, Dr. Herald, a doctor at ABC Hospital, says” 

4、 Which of the following students have effectively combined audience analysis with ethics: 

A:Mark finds that the audience strongly disagrees with him on his topic, so he just “tells a white lie” to make it appear that they all are on the same side. 
B:Destiny decides to tell the audience that they are wrong about their views on the topic, taking the “hard sell” approach since she finds out that her audience strongly disagrees with her. 
C:Mia finds the audience knows very little about her topic, so she changes her approach to be much more basic, covering the key terms but not the complex ones. 
D:All of the above are suggested by your text as ethical and effective audience analysis tactics.
答案: Mia finds the audience knows very little about her topic, so she changes her approach to be much more basic, covering the key terms but not the complex ones. 

5、 When giving a speech, speakers must cite sources by: 

A:Adding a bibliography; it is not necessary to state the sources if you have a typed bibliography to give the teacher or coordinator of the event at which you are speaking. 
B:Using an oral footnote and citing the materials in the written representation of the speech.
C:Including printed sources only in oral footnotes or written documentation; interviews or television shows need not be cited. 
D: Plagiarizing the source in both the oral and written forms of the speech.
答案: Using an oral footnote and citing the materials in the written representation of the speech.

6、  Ethics refers to fundamental questions of right and wrong in thought and behavior.

答案: 正确

Chapter Four: Organizing your speech 4.7 Testing

1、 In most cases, an introduction should NOT constitute more than _____% of a speech.

答案: 30-40.

2、 Which of the following words or phrases is most concrete?

A: Dwelling.
答案: Cottage.

3、 A speaker plans to give a speech about the development of the Pony Express.  In order to deliver her speech most effectively, she should arrange the main points of her speech in _____ order.

答案: Chronological.

4、 The task is heavy, the toil is long, and the trials will be severe (Winston Churchill) is an example of

答案: Alliteration.

5、 When speakers quote or paraphrase the words of another person to support their ideas, they are using the device of _____ as support.

C:Hypothetical examples.
答案: Testimony.

6、 When researching materials for your speech, you should:  

A:Avoid magazines since they are not books.
B:Use a variety of resource materials to give a more balanced approach to your speech.
C:Never use a book since it is probably dated material. 
D:Not use computer research since it generally has a bias.
答案: Use a variety of resource materials to give a more balanced approach to your speech.

7、 Effective speech transitions can help to

A:show how points relate to each other. 
B: prepare your audience for forthcoming ideas and materials. 
C:connect the body of a speech with the introduction and conclusion. 
D:All of the answers are correct.
答案: All of the answers are correct.

8、 The ____ of a speech is its largest portion, in which the speaker places his or her arguments and ideas, substantiation and examples, and proofs and illustrations.
答案: body

9、 An ______ is a “written plan that uses symbols, margins, and content to reveal the order, importance, and substance of your speech.”
答案: outline

10、 Phrases which indicate where you are in the speech such as, “First, I will illustrate…, ” “A second idea is…,” “Finally, we will…,” “Furthermore, you should consider…”, and “In conclusion…” are called _____.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)signpost;






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阿布查查 » 英语演讲(集美大学) 中国大学mooc慕课答案2024版 m228067