英语报刊阅读进阶 知到智慧树答案2024 z40104

第一章 单元测试

1、 Language can be used to construct objects, people, and events. In other words, linguistic resources, such as terms, tropes, metaphors, and so on, can be used to manufacture particular accounts of objects, people, and events. ( )

答案: 对

2、 Horace Miner’s 1956 article “Body Ritual among the Nacirema” supposedly describes a North American tribe whose daily lives are based on body rituals. ( )

答案: 对

3、 As a parody of an anthropological report, Horace Miner’s “Body Ritual among the Nacirema” actually concerns the daily life of the American people in the 1950s. ( )

答案: 对

4、 The Nacirema example shows that ( ).

A:The American are primitive and superstitious.
B:Surrounding any one object, event, person, etc., there may be a variety of different ways of representing it to the world.
C:The Nacirema are overly obsessed with rituals.
D:Description is tied to evaluation.
答案: Surrounding any one object, event, person, etc., there may be a variety of different ways of representing it to the world.
Description is tied to evaluation.

5、 Language can construct particular versions of reality and affect the way we think about it. ( )

答案: 对

第二章 单元测试

1、 Social constructionism would agree that the world exists as an object out there for us to observe and understand. ( )

答案: 错

2、 The social constructionist idea that everything we consider real is socially constructed means that nothing is real or there is no reality. ( )

答案: 错

3、 The social constructionist tenets outlined in Burr (1995) include ( ).

A:We should take a critical stance towards taken-for-granted knowledge.
B:Knowledge is historically and culturally specific.
C:Knowledge is sustained by social processes.
D:Knowledge and social action go together.
答案: We should take a critical stance towards taken-for-granted knowledge.
Knowledge is historically and culturally specific.
Knowledge is sustained by social processes.
Knowledge and social action go together.

4、 Which of the following is NOT included as central assumptions of social constructionism in Gergen (2008)? ( )

A:Our knowledge is a direct perception of reality.
B:The way in which we understand the world is not required by “what there is”.
C:The ways in which we describe and explain the world are the outcomes of relationship.
D:Constructions gain their significance from their social utility.
答案: Our knowledge is a direct perception of reality.

5、 In light of social constructionism, which of the following can be said about news reports? ( )

A:News reports should accurately or truly depict the world.
B:As constructions of the world, no news report can be judged to be any nearer the truth than other reports.
C:News reports gain their significance from their social utility instead of their “objectivity”.
D:Descriptions of an event or a person in a news report will have an impact not only on how we think of them but also on how we feel about and deal with them.
答案: As constructions of the world, no news report can be judged to be any nearer the truth than other reports.
News reports gain their significance from their social utility instead of their “objectivity”.
Descriptions of an event or a person in a news report will have an impact not only on how we think of them but also on how we feel about and deal with them.

第三章 单元测试

1、 Postmodernism rejects the following ideas EXCEPT ( ).

A:There can be an ultimate truth.
B:The world as we see it is the result of hidden structures.
C:The world can be understood in terms of grand theories or metanarratives.
D:There could be no “对” reading of a poem or novel.
答案: There could be no “对” reading of a poem or novel.

2、 All authoritative accounts of the world contain implicit values and are subject to ideological critique. ( )

答案: 对

3、 From a deconstructionist perspective, which of the following statements about rationality are 对? ( )

A:Rational arguments bring about a massive suppression of meaning.
B:The power to reason sets humans above the remainder of the animal kingdom.
C:Rationality contributes most importantly to the capacities for human survival.
D:When rational arguments are placed under close scrutiny, reason gives way to chaos and lies empty.
答案: Rational arguments bring about a massive suppression of meaning.
When rational arguments are placed under close scrutiny, reason gives way to chaos and lies empty.

4、 Which of the following publications are known to contribute significantly to the evolution of our understanding of science as social construction? ( )

A:Karl Mannheim’s
B:Ludwig Fleck’s
C:Peter Winch’s
D:Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann’s
答案: Karl Mannheim’s
Ludwig Fleck’s
Peter Winch’s
Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann’s

5、 Thomas Kuhn proposed in his that our propositions about the world are embedded within ( ), roughly a network of interrelated commitments to a particular theory, conception of a subject matter, and methodological practices.

答案: paradigms

第四章 单元测试

1、 The social constructionist view of language holds that personality or experience cannot pre-date language and that the person is constructed through language. ( )

答案: 对

2、 In Saussurean linguistics, signs have two parts to them: ( ). The former is a word, a spoken sound, used to refer to a thing, and the latter is the thing referred to.

A:knowledge and power
B:the signifier and the signified
C:power and resistance
D:discourse and power
答案: the signifier and the signified

3、 Saussure made some important points about signs, including ( ).

A:Signs are the things that populate our mental life, things we may refer to, talk to others about, muse upon, try to describe and so on.
B:The link between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary.
C:The meaning of a sign resides not intrinsically in that sign itself, but in its relationship to other signs.
D:Once a signifier becomes attached to a signified, this relationship becomes fixed.
答案: The link between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary.
The meaning of a sign resides not intrinsically in that sign itself, but in its relationship to other signs.
Once a signifier becomes attached to a signified, this relationship becomes fixed.

4、 The fundamental argument of poststructuralism is that the meanings carried by language are never fixed, always open to question, always contestible, and always temporary. ( )

答案: 对

5、 Since the meaning of language is shifting, transitory, and contestible, newspaper articles are open to multiple readings. ( )

答案: 对






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阿布查查 » 英语报刊阅读进阶 知到智慧树答案2024 z40104