财务会计(北京第二外国语学院) 知到智慧树答案2024 z24780

第一章 单元测试

Which of the following is not a requirement in the financial statements under IAS 1?

A:Name of the entity
B:Whether accounts cover a single entity or a group
C:Chairman’s commentary on performance
D:The accounting periods
答案: Chairman’s commentary on performance

When a company issues shares for more than their nominal amount, the excess is called…

A:Share excess
B:Share premium
C:Share markup
D:Par value
答案: Share premium

What is the term used to describe the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash or cash equivalents?

A:Processing cycle
C:Operating cycle
答案: Operating cycle

Under IAS 1, how often should financial statements be prepared?

A:At least annually
B:No more than annually
C:As often as the company requires
答案: At least annually

Which of the following is not a component of a Statement of Financial Position?

A:Non-current assets
C:Cost of goods sold
D:Retained Earnings
答案: Cost of goods sold

Which of the following is not a required disclosure under IAS 1?

A:Number of employees
B:Assets held for sale
D:Intangible assets
答案: Number of employees

Which sections of an annual report do IFRSs apply to?

A:Management report
B:Financial statements
C:Auditors report
D:Entire annual report
答案: Financial statements

The statement of cash flows is

A:a legal requirement for all business entities
B:an alternative to the balance sheet
C:covered in IAS (International Accounting Standard) 7
D:an alternative to the income statement account
答案: covered in IAS (International Accounting Standard) 7

The cash flow direct method calculates cash generated from operations from

A:analysis of all receipts and payments relating to operating activities
B:operating profit
C:changes in working capital
D:analysis of the changes in cash and overdraft levels
答案: analysis of all receipts and payments relating to operating activities

第二章 单元测试

Which of the following statements are correct:
i) Problems of revenue recognition would not have arisen if accounting applied the venture concept or only upon receipt in cash of all amounts earned.
ii) The sale of an item with a warranty to restore it to workable condition up to a year after sale may be recognised as income if the commitment involved can be measured.
iii) No income is recognised unless its amount is established objectively.

A:i, ii and iii
B: i, ii, iii and iv
C: i and ii
D: i only
答案:  i, ii, iii and iv

Which of the following statements are correct in respect of a business which produces goods to be held as inventory, ready for sale.
i) Sales income should not be recognised until a buyer is found and price is agreed on
ii) Sales income should not be recognised if the buyer is in another country and receipt of the amount depends on whether the buyer receives exchange clearance from government.
iii) Sales income should be recognised only when proceeds are received.
iv) Whether the sale is recognised at point of sale, delivery or invoicing depends on what its practice has been in the past.

A:i, ii,iii and iv
B: i,ii and iv
C: i, ii and iii
D: i only
答案:  i,ii and iv

It is usual for a retail shop to recognize revenue when:

A:The goods for sale have arrived from the supplier
B:The customer becomes legally obliged to pay for the goods
C:The goods have been delivered to the customers’ premises
D:The customer pays for the goods sold
答案: The customer becomes legally obliged to pay for the goods

A trader sells computer hardware with a warranty that he is responsible for any repair within a year of sale. He may recognise the sales income at the point of sale because:

A:It is unlikely that repairs will become necessary within the first year
B:There is a possibility of not undertaking the repairs blaming the customer for wrong usage
C:That is usually the practice among such traders
D:From experience the trader can quantify the cost of such repairs and account for it separately
答案: From experience the trader can quantify the cost of such repairs and account for it separately

Rachel manufactures surgical gloves. Upon receiving an order from a hospital for supplying them with their requirements for three years ending on 31st December 2012, she raised an invoice for £15,000 and has accounted for it by crediting Sales account and debiting Receivables account. For preparing the financial statements in respect of the year ended 31st December 2010 the adjusting entries required are:

A:Debit Sales account and credit Deferred income account with £10,000
B:Debit Receivables account and credit Deferred Income account with £10,000
C:Debit Sales account and credit Cash account with £10,000
D:Debit Sales Account and credit Receivables account with £10,000
答案: Debit Sales Account and credit Receivables account with £10,000

Which of the following is not an inventory?

B:Raw material
C:Finished products
D:Consumable tools
答案: Machines

The following classes of costs are usually involved in inventory decisions except

A:Cost of ordering
B:Carrying cost
C:Cost of shortages
D:Machining cost
答案: Machining cost

The cost of insurance and taxes are included in

A:Cost of ordering
B:Set up cost
C:Inventory carrying cost
D:Cost of shortages
答案: Inventory carrying cost

An inventory, which consists of partially worked goods is called

A:direct materials inventory
B:work in process inventory
C:finished goods inventory
D:indirect material inventory
答案: work in process inventory

An inventory which consists of stock waiting to be used In process of manufacturing is known as

A:finished goods inventory
B:indirect material inventory
C:direct materials inventory
D:work in process inventory
答案: direct materials inventory

第三章 单元测试

Land is generally shown on the balance sheet under

C:Property, Plant, and Equipment.
D:Current Assets.
答案: Property, Plant, and Equipment.

A plant asset with a cost of $900,000 and accumulated depreciation of $800,000 is sold for $80,000. What is the amount of the gain or loss on disposal of the plant asset?

A:$20,000 loss.
B:$80,000 loss.
C:$80,000 gain.
D:d.$20,000 gain.
答案: $20,000 loss.

Grant Company has decided to change the estimate of the useful life of an asset that has been in service for 2 years. Which of the following statements describes the proper way to revise a useful life estimate?

A:Revisions in useful life are permitted if approved by the IRS.
B:Retroactive changes must be made to correct previously recorded depreciation.
C:Only future years will be affected by the revision.
D:Both current and future years will be affected by the revision.
答案: Both current and future years will be affected by the revision.

The Land account would include all of the following costs except

A:drainage costs.
B:the cost of building a fence.
C:commissions paid to real estate agents.
D:the cost of tearing down a building.
答案: the cost of building a fence.

IAS 16 requires a revaluation surplus resulting from initial revaluation of PPE to be treated in one of the following ways –

A: Credited to retained earnings as an unrealised gain
B: Debited to the class of PPE that is being revalued and credited to a equity
C: Credited to long-term provisions and added to the PPE
D: Released to the income statement over the life of the PPE
答案:  Debited to the class of PPE that is being revalued and credited to a equity

An entity manufactures components for the car industry and uses self-made tools, which it continually develops. Costs of tooling are depreciated over four years and the tools are manufactured in its one factory, where 4% of the space is allocated to development. The factory depreciation charge should –

A: Not be allocated to the cost of the tooling
B: Be allocated on the basis of 1% per year for four years to the cost of the tooling
C: Be allocated on the basis of 4% per annum and added to the cost of the tooling
D: Be allocated on the basis of the value of the tools compared with the factory output to the cost of the tooling
答案:  Be allocated on the basis of 4% per annum and added to the cost of the tooling

An entity has a policy of revaluing its PPE. An asset cost $15m on 1 January 2008, has a useful life of 15 years and is depreciated on a straight-line basis to a zero residual value. The value of the asset at 31 December 2008 was $14.5m. At 31 December 2009, the market value of the asset was $12.5m. The accounting entry at 31 December 2009 would be –

A: Depreciation $1.04m to income statement, fall in value of $0.96m charged to revaluation reserve
B: Depreciation $1m to income statement, fall in value of $0.96m to the income statement
C:Depreciation $1m to income statement, fall in value of $0.5m charged to revaluation reserve and $0.5m to the income statement
D: Depreciation $1.04m to income statement, fall in value of $0.5m charged to revaluation reserve and $0.46m to the income statement
答案:  Depreciation $1.04m to income statement, fall in value of $0.5m charged to revaluation reserve and $0.46m to the income statement

An entity owns a fleet of company cars and executive vehicles, and has other property and equipment in order to service the fleet. It decided to revalue some of its property, plant and equipment. Which one of the following options complies with IAS 16?

A: Revalue only one-half of each class of property, plant and equipment
B: Revalue only those parts of the fleet that have increased in value
C: Revalue an entire class of property, plant and equipment
D: Revalue only the cars and not the executive vehicles
答案:  Revalue an entire class of property, plant and equipment

An entity operates a chain of hotels and is proposing to stop depreciating the hotel equipment and expense the cost of replacement each year. The entity should –

A: Capitalise groups of assets but not depreciate them
B: Not capitalise groups of assets and expense them
C: Not capitalise groups of assets and expense the replacement cost
D: Capitalise all assets with a useful life of more than one year and depreciate them
答案:  Capitalise all assets with a useful life of more than one year and depreciate them

Which of the following is not an external indication of impairment?

A: An unexpected decline in the asset”s market value
B: The asset becoming idle
C: An adverse technological change
D: An adverse change in the market in which the entity operates
答案:  The asset becoming idle






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阿布查查 » 财务会计(北京第二外国语学院) 知到智慧树答案2024 z24780